Effortless Ingredient Highlight
at Your Fingertips

Check what's in your food easily


How does it work?

1. Make a list

Imagine a lady with her smartphone, double-checking her Scannoli lists before shopping. Visualize the ease of seeing all your dietary restrictions with a simple scan.
Create a list of ingredients to avoid. Add them in any
, edit
, and
with ease.

2. Scan ingredient lists on a product or menu

Text: Woman holding a product and using the Scannoli app on her smartphone to scan its ingredients.
items to avoid on product or menu labels.
No more straining to read every label. Save your
for the
good stuff
in life!

3. Enjoy faster shopping!

Woman quickly shopping with the Scannoli app on her smartphone, efficiently checking ingredients to care for her loved ones.
Shop with
and speed. The Scannoli app guides you to make quick,
choices both in stores and at restaurants, ensuring a
experience every time.
Free Plan
0 EUR / month
with ads
  • Scanner feature:
  • One list is available by default
  • Lists are shareable
  • Export list to text
  • Additional list cost:
    3 EUR
  • You will see some ads

Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified when it's available

Fund us on Kickstarter
  • Scanner feature:
  • Starting gig price:
    3 EUR
  • Become a backer - get forever access
  • Get evaluated for beta
  • Influence the development
  • Help to build something beautiful
  • Get application faster
  • Lists are shareable
  • Export list to text

* Depends on reward you choose

Premium plan
5 EUR / month
no ads
  • Scanner feature:
  • Lists available:
  • Lists are shareable
  • Export list to text
  • Additional list cost:
    1 EUR
  • No ads

Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified when it's available

Who can use this app?
Scannoli is perfect for health-conscious eaters, busy parents, allergy sufferers, and fitness enthusiasts. It's a hit with tech-savvy millennials and a breeze for seniors who prefer simplicity. Foodies, vegans, and those with dietary restrictions will find it particularly useful. Essentially, if you eat, Scannoli's got your back!
How does it work?
  • Simply add all the items you're avoiding into your list. Do it once, and you're set! Feel free to tweak it anytime.
  • You scan the ingredient list of the product or menu.
  • Any no-gos light up.
  • If nothing pops, double-check just to be sure
  • If there is nothing highlighted, CHECK yourself. All clear? You're good to go!
Who's responsible for the correct purchase?
That's all you! Scannoli's here to help you zoom in on smarter choices, but the final call? It’s yours, superstar.
How do I know if the app is accurate?
Trust but verify. Scannoli's smart, but always double-check that ingredient list. When in doubt, better play it safe.
Who's responsible for keeping the list up to date?
You're the boss of your list. Update it, tweak it, make it yours. Scannoli's just the cool tool to help you along.
Can I get it now?
Wanna be a trailblazer? Jump into our Beta tester pool! Subscribe to catch the wave when we open up.
Is it fail-proof?
Tech's nifty but not perfect. Think of Scannoli as your savvy sidekick, not a magic wand. Your judgment still rules the roost.
Is it free?
We’re cooking up both a freebie version and a premium one. Stay tuned for the best deal in town!
Can the app identify allergens and dietary restrictions in products?
It'll identify the allergens and restrictions you add to your list. Remember, Scannoli helps you focus, but it's not a mind reader! It's a tool to help you zoom in on better shopping experience.
Can I use it in a restaurant?
Absolutely! Scan the menu and spot any troublemakers. If you’re unsure, a quick chat with the waiter never hurts.
Is the app available in multiple languages?
We're fluent in English for now, but your list can parade any language you like. Keep an eye out for our upcoming translation feature!
Can I use the app for grocery shopping and meal planning?
Vote for a shopping-list feature on Kickstarter, and you'll get it!